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Liam Doherty 04/27/2015 Crossfit Ampthill None Strength

12 minutes EMOM, perform

-Odd minute: 3x Front squat with a 1000, 2000, 3000 count at the bottom then 3x split jerkbehind the neck. Start with bar and build up. Have weights ready!

-Even minute: max reps STRICT Pull Ups.


Complete 5 rounds of:

-100m sprint (Box, Roller shutter door ISO Container, Roller Shutter, Box)

-10x burpee over the paralette (Double Jump, so burpee is always on same side)

-100m sprint

-10x wallballs
17m 42s
Performed as RX
Liam Doherty 04/23/2015 Crossfit Ampthill None Strength

Bench press: 65%x 3 reps, 75%x3 reps, 80%x 3 reps, 85%x 3 reps, 90%x 3+ reps.


"Saint George"

400m Run

20 Wall walks

10 snatches @ 80% of 1rm

20 wall walks

18m 06s
Performed as RX
Liam Doherty 04/08/2015 Crossfit Ampthill None In 10 weighted reps (3211111) establish a 1RM Bench Press.

Then, 5 reps @ 60%, 65%, 70%.

Add all 25 reps for combined weight.
75 kgs
Performed as RX
Liam Doherty 04/07/2015 Crossfit Ampthill None Strength

Every 90 seconds for 10rnds, 1 Power Clean, Fronts Squat, Shoulder to Over Head. Stay with strict press as long as possible then jerk. Build weight on each round, START LIGHT!


30x Muscle ups or Strict Pull Ups or Strict Banded Pull Ups

-30x Front Squats @ 65% 1RM

-30x Clean and Jerks @ 65% 1RM

20 Min cut off
20m 00s
Workout Scaled
Liam Doherty 04/01/2015 Crossfit Ampthill None In 10 weighted reps (3211111) establish a 1RM Bench Press.

Then, 5 reps @ 60%, 65%, 70%.

Add all 25 reps for combined weight.
75 kgs
Performed as RX
Liam Doherty 03/31/2015 Crossfit Ampthill None Strength:

1: Pause front squat: 10 rounds Every 90 seconds, perform:

1x pause front squat (5 second pause in bottom position). Work up to a max for the day. Must come off floor.

Work Capacity: Complete the following for time:

-Run 200m

-40x unbroken wallball

-Run 400m

-30x unbroken wallball

-Run 800m

-20x unbroken wallball

*If you break, assess a 5 rep penalty to the total for the set. For example, if you break once in the set of 40, you owe 45 total. If you break a second time, then you must perform 50 wall balls that set, etc.
10m 44s
Performed as RX
Liam Doherty 03/30/2015 Crossfit Ampthill None Strength:

Every 2 minutes, complete 4 rounds of:

5x ground to overhead, build up weight on each round

-Superset with:

-Max rep strict pull ups


Complete 10-8-6-4-2 reps of:

-Clean @ 75% 1RM

Burpee box jump overs (30in/24in)

10m 49s
Workout Scaled
Liam Doherty 03/27/2015 Crossfit Ampthill CrossFit Open 15.5 Row and Thruster Tekkers

27-21-15-9 reps for time of:
Row (calories)
Thrusters @ Fran weight
11m 35s
Workout Scaled
Liam Doherty 03/25/2015 Crossfit Ampthill CrossFit Total Back squat 1RM - 115kg
Shoulder Press 1RM - 50kg
Deadlift 1RM - 160kg

Crossfit total - 325kg
Back squat 1RM - 115kg kgs
Shoulder Press 1RM - 50kg kgs
Deadlift 1RM - 160kg kgs
Performed as RX
Liam Doherty 03/24/2015 Crossfit Ampthill Athletic Testing #2 Test A - 15 Thruster @ 35kg Comply with weights within the skill levels. Test B Kness to chest/Toes to Bar 16 Kness to Elbows


Fran. Same rules as Helen in regards to scaling.

9m 47s
Workout Scaled
Liam Doherty 03/23/2015 Crossfit Ampthill Athletic Testing #1

Test A Wall Balls 30 @ 9kg, Test B Sit Ups 63 sit-ups , work off athletic skill level. Do this in pairs, you go I go. Count reps and check for height of wall ball.



3rnds for time - 400m run, 21 KB swings, 12 Pull Ups. RX 24KG. Scale KB weight and Pull Ups accordingly. No Kipping in bands. Record weights and band if used.
10m 53s
Workout Scaled